Botifarra amb mongetes or botifarra amb seques is a classic and traditional dish of the Catalan cuisine. It is very simple but also very characteristic of this cuisine. Beans and Sausage Association also exists in Occitan cuisine, Catalan sister, in one of its most popular dishes: the so-called caçolet, though preparation is very different.
Beans were introduced in the Catalan cuisine at the beginning of the 16th century, with other products originated from America. On the other hand, botifarra was called llonganissa or llangonissa, and it is also calling like this in some regions. At Catalan Renaissance time, in the second half of the 19th century, this dish became very popular. At that time, Felip Cirera, who sometimes signed as Felip de Palàcio, such as in the book Avisos o sian reglas senzillas a un principiant cuyner o cuynera adaptadas a la capacitat dels menos instruhits, already talked about stewed beans cooked with botifarra. In 1830 it also appears the recipe in the Nou manual per cuinar amb tota perfecció and in 1835 appears in the anonymous book La cuynera catalana, although the word llonganissa is still used to refer to botifarra.
In the 19th century, in the taverns of sisos of Barcelona (the name comes from the six reals that cost a night there), where middle and low classes could eat home-made food at affordable prices, this meal was known as the eleven thousand virgins, surely because of the number of beans, and botifarra was a girl from the country.
In 1932 the recipe of botifarra amb mongetes appears, as well as others where these are cooked like escudella, with some lightly fried vegetables and a finely chopped, in El llibre de la cuina catalana by Ferran Agulló.
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